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Drip Sesh:

Definition according to Jack Speak:  A period organised so that complaints can be aired.

Gold Rings.png

HAVE YOUR SAY:  This is where you can comment on all aspects of your branch, you can add suggestions for events or activities you would like to be included.  You can even give a chuckup if warranted. This is a public notice board open to all members of the Branch website.  Comments left here will be read out at member's meeting with a reply from the Chairman where applicable or through a committee member best placed to answer the question. You can also use the suggestion box on the bar during members evnings.

Comments (10)

P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
30 июн. 2024 г.

The attached letter was sent to me by John Meeds, and with his permission, I have uploaded it. The committee will respond as soon as possible.


Friday 28 June 2024 - 19:07

Good evening Dave, I hope you are well

I have just finished reading the June Newsletter, and I would like to make some comments,

Please see attached document.

Best regards



P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
18 июл. 2024 г.
Ответ пользователю

Good evening John. After consultation with the committee, I am attaching my reply to your questions. Regards



P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
23 июн. 2024 г.

I thank you for your question Sid

What is a living document?

You might see living documents go by another name, like dynamic or evergreen documents.  The principle behind these is simple.  In most contexts, a living document is seen as a document that is continually edited and updated.  The idea of a living document might sound somewhat new-age but we have been using living documents for hundreds of years, an example in a military context is a JSP.  JSPs were constantly being amended and for many like Drivers, VM’s, SA’s and Clerks the JSP amending JSPs would have been the bane of their life.


A way to understand what a living document is is by understanding the opposite of a living document.  DRO's as an example, a DRO is a dead document you can just read it and act upon the information in the document will expire within a short time frame then you would need to replace it with a new DRO.  A good modern example of a living document would be a Wikipedia page with multiple contributors.

In contrast, when you use a living document you can re-use the information as needed.

How do living documents work?

The purpose and use of a living document will determine the specifics of how it works.  For example, you could have one person in your committee responsible for maintaining a living document.  Yet, at the same time, everyone on your committee could be encouraged to collaborate in the document's evolution for instance:

·      The Treasurer may be responsible for amending financial elements like the milage rate.

·      The RQMS may determine the length of time a piece of kit can be loaded depending on serviceability and quality factors.

A living document is continually edited and updated because:

·       New laws and regulations may come into force.

·       You may adopt new processes and workflows.

o   Changes to Job Roles as an example

o   Inflation adjustments to expenses or projects

o   Changes to parent documents (RMA-TRMC) Bylaws


P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
23 июн. 2024 г.

I had a verbal request at the Branch meeting on the 20 June by Sid Stubbs suggesting that members would like to understand what a Living Document is in the context of the Branch Bylaws.   


Steve George
Steve George
22 июн. 2024 г.

I would like to see a Presidents informal dinner, a one of affair aimed at Sharky's service to the Branch for over 40 years.

P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
23 июн. 2024 г.
Ответ пользователю

Thank you for your suggestion Steve, I will take this to the committee for discussion.


10 июн. 2024 г.

As a Branch of some 200 souls why can't we get a Team or at least a few to look after Emmett's? Those that have looked after it for many years are both "Senior" and less able to get across - where are all the youngsters? Very Sad state of affairs and not a good image for the Branch or the Royal Mariners to have it in such a mess.

P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
16 июн. 2024 г.
Ответ пользователю

I will ask for volunteers again at the members meeting. Geof, I’m unable to go today as its Father's Day but I will go myself next weekend.  As a person whose garden requires little to no maintenance, I have no tools or experience.   Can you provide me or others with a list of the tools I needed for the task.


Hello everybody - 💚Peace and love all around💚 in what has been a touching time both on a national and personal level recently within us.

Is our branch having anything to do with the air show this year or need help with any fundraising or promotion at present?

I have registered with the council and Bournemouth University through my educational institute gov id to volunteer at this years STEM village hoping to improve my social inclusion and presentation.

The generally Beef Civ Pop and most mainstream social and media platforms are driving me nuts on the street all the time, now my mind and body is free and working correctly, but enjoy smashing that kind on all levels in the gym and down on the beach at the Geva Mentor Fitness Park.💚

P&DB Website Manager
P&DB Website Manager
16 июн. 2024 г.
Ответ пользователю

Hi Brett, The Branch will have a stand at the Airshow Thur 29th Aug  Sat 31st Aug along with the RNRM charity at what is called the RN Village. I will be asking for volunteers at this Thursdays members meeting and again in July/Aug. Happy to have you onboard if you would like to be part of the team.


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