Your new Chairman is David Sippitt.
On Behalf of John and David, we thank all those members who voted for the appointment of Chairman over the last three weeks and at the AGM last night.
It was extremely important to the committee that all members had an opportunity to express their democratic rights to vote and had access to a flexible voting system. For the first time, we deployed an online and postal voting system as well as the showing of hands on the night. The online voting allowed us to engage with members as far afield as Africa and Canada and to the far-flung corners of Dorset and beyond. We would also like to thank Clive for his adjudication of the votes.

The Charman, Sharky 1, presided over the AGM and was presented with a gift from the membership for his enduring commitment and lifelong achievements within the service of the RMA and the Poole & District Branch.
Sharky has now resumed the appointment of President of the Branch.

The President explained that we still have unfinished business and require to complete a second round of voting for the election of Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee appointments which had been postponed until the post of chairman had been decided. The election of these appointments will be done in the same way as the vote for Chairman and will be concluded at the next members meeting on the 18th of May 2023. If you wish to put yourself forward please contact your committee.
We have gained a significant increase in membership since leaving the confines of the barracks one year ago this month but only 34.1% of members cast their vote out of the 258 members registered on the RMA-TRMC member's website.
Membership engagement is high on the committee's agenda going forward, and we look forward to welcoming ideas from you members on what you want from your Branch going forward. To that end, we will be sending out a survey after the 18th of May 23 to get a clear picture of what you would like to see the branch doing for you.

Congratulations Dave and Happy Retirement Sharky
Well done all at PB RMA for engaging in a well run ballot for a new chairman. Congratulations to David on being appointed as our new chairman and also to John for making it a well fought competition. Lets not forget Sharkey1 stepped it to ensure the survival of our RMA at the last AGM and has steered us through a very difficult year, successfully transferring our operation to the Centenary club and assuring our future, well done Mr President and BZs all round!
Many congratulations to Dave on becoming the new Chairman, and thanks to Sharky 1 for all of his time and effort as the outgoing Chairman.