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Spreading the Love – Walking with BOWRA

Writer's picture: jobbersjobbers

I saw the recent invitation from the BOWRA Foundation to RMA Poole to join a walking expedition to Dartmoor. Sadly I personally can't make this one but I did join a BOWRA walk earlier this year. It was a great day out, so I can fully recommend walking with BOWRA

To start with it must be explained that BOWRA walks are called "Walkie-talkies" This isn't because they use fancy communication systems to make sure no one gets lost. It’s because the emphasis is on spending quality time in friendly company chatting about all-sorts of stuff whilst benefiting from some exercise and fresh air in beautiful surroundings.


I joined the group for a 5 mile walk around the Cranborne estate countryside on a rather damp day in February. The RV was the Cranborne Garden centre. Loitering at the back of the group I was quickly drawn into conversation with a couple Finn and Jo and instantly found some common ground in mutual acquaintances. This became a theme as I joined different members of the group including former Oppos in the Corps; Bob H, Brian and Pete to mention but a few.

For a while, I had the privilege of walking and chatting with Mark Bowra himself. In 2014 whilst serving as a Royal Marines officer Mark suffered a major stroke. Through an incredible support system and self determination Mark bounced back and in 2019 established his foundation to promote resilience amongst people suffering from neurological disorders/strokes through practical help and physical challenges. I recommend a read of Marks web page at - 


In great fashion the walk ended at the “Sixpenny Brewery” where a welcome drink was had by all. It was a great end to a great walk during which I met and chatted with lots of really nice people, discovered the Cranborne Garden centre and a brilliant brewery! A big thank-you to Mark, Frank and the team and I look forward to joining a “walkie-Talkie again in the future.

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Apr 15, 2024

Great 'walkie talkie' with great company!

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